On this page: Specializations, Medical Massage (PIP), Event Massage, Wedding Massage Services, Classes

Personalized Massage Therapy
While my massage specializations focus on sports, perinatal, and injury recovery, my services are different for every client, responding to your individual expressed concerns, as well as the physical state of your body.
Each session includes a conversation to help you relax, and so I can learn more about your concerns. In my office I offer a comfortable setting and complimentary herbal teas as we discuss your body’s needs in detail.
During your massage, I typically use an organic coconut oil as a lubricant so that I can apply pressure comfortably without creating excessive friction. If you have an epidermal allergy to coconut oil, please let me know in advance so I can prepare an alternative.
My hands-on massage sessions last exactly as long as stated below, so please plan on your appointment lasting an additional 10 to 15 minutes beyond the length of the hands-on massage session to allow for this conversation and whatever time it takes for you to undress, redress, and feel comfortable.
Each session includes a conversation in which you and I determine the massage techniques that are right for you. Most clients need a combination of these massage techniques. Massage can help nearly any symptom or ailment that affects the musculoskeletal system. Watch this space for more specific information on what massage can do for you and your health.
My specialties include:
Sports Massage
Sports massage is essential for attaining your body’s maximum performance. By relaxing the muscles around your joints and ligaments, you’ll experience better flexibility, range of motion, and accuracy which will also help you to avoid injury while performing or training. By manipulating muscle fibers and layers of facia, massage causes tissues to flood with fresh blood, facilitating the elimination of lactic acid and other waste products produced by your body. This results in faster muscle development, recovery, and more effective weight loss and body toning.
When I meet with any client—especially for the first time—I start with a conversation about how their body feels and how they use their body on a daily basis. This conversation informs the sort of massage I perform and where I focus my hands-on time during your appointment. Because each sport has different demands on the body, understanding your sport will help, so please be prepared to explain everything you can about the sports you play.
Injury/Surgery Recovery
Many of my clients seek me out to help them recover from a recent physical trauma like an injury or surgical procedure. While each injury is a little different, recovering from an injury or surgery, your body is likely to undergo a reasonably predictable set of symptoms and behaviors. Most physical traumas cause the body to flood with cortisol, lactic acid, and other natural chemicals causing both localized and non-localized aching and muscular tension. Meanwhile, your lymph glands swell with white blood cells and antibodies in an effort to prevent infection. Massage is a natural remedy to these problems. Massage relaxes the tension in your body while encouraging your metabolic system to flush out metabolic waste while helping your body repair itself. Simultaneously, the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system encourages further healing and a sense of physical and emotional wellbeing and positivity.
All massage clients are unique so, as I do with all of my clients, our first session will begin with a conversation about your condition. To prepare for your appointment, please consider bringing any relevant information about your condition from your doctor, and I will need to know about any medications you’re using during your recovery.
Perinatal Massage
During, or within the first year after pregnancy, your body goes through significant changes. These changes can bring pain, discomfort, and emotional challenges like post-partum depression. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, perinatal massage helps your muscles relax from the tension and cramping that pregnancy can cause, and improves mood and disposition, helping to fight the effects of postpartum pain and depression. Meanwhile, massage also helps a perinatal person’s metabolic system, facilitating blood flow and helping to balance out hormones, reduce swelling, and flush metabolic waste. Perinatal massage is not intended to interfere with the fetus, however, by relaxing the muscles in the abdomen, can aid in fetal positioning or postpartum abdominal recovery.
As with every client, especially on their first visit, I will start our session with a conversation about how you’re feeling and ask about your current medical condition. It’s helpful to know about any medications you’re on, and parts of your body that feel sensitive or painful. Be sure to mention anything you’ve noticed about your body’s movement or range of motion.
Intraoral Massage
I know it sounds weird, but when you think about it, a lot of your health concerns start with your mouth. Intraoral massage affects nerves and tissues around the mouth, jaw, and throat, including the related glands and lymph nodes. This is great for managing the symptoms of TMJ and can help relieve swelling, headaches, and migraines.
As with every client, especially on their first visit, I start your appointment with a conversation. I will ask about everything that is getting in the way of you feeling your best. I will let you know if I feel that intraoral massage can help. For more information click the button below.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue and is at the core of most of the work I do. I use this technique to address issues like stiff neck, sore shoulders, upper back pain, lower back pain, and leg cramps/tightness. Deep-tissue massage reduces inflammation, activates the parasympathetic ner system, encourages activity in the metabolic system, and helps to eliminate internal scar tissue which facilitates better muscular development.
When I meet with any client—especially for the first time—I start with a conversation about how their body feels and how they use their body on a daily basis. This conversation informs the sort of massage I perform and where I focus my hands-on time during your appointment. Because each person uses their body in a different way, understanding the way you use your body will help, so please be prepared to explain everything you can about the work you do and how you use your body.
Swedish Massage
This form of massage is what you might think of when you imagine spa massage. Swedish massage is intended to be relaxing, gentle, and addresses the outermost layers of the body. This has an effect on the subcutaneous layers of the skin, and subcutaneous layer. This form of massage can be more brief, but still activates the parasympathetic nervous system and has a calming effect on the mind and body which can have a marvelous effect on mood and disposition. While my most effective work focuses on deeper tissues, sometimes a light touch is all you need, and I’m happy to help.
I generally offer standard massage in three lengths
This may help you make a decision about what massage length to book.
60 minute
A focused therapeutic full-body massage in my office, targeting one or two specific problem areas.
- Analysis of what your entire body needs
- Focused treatment of your primary concerns
90 minute
An effective therapeutic full-body massage in my office, at a relaxed pace, designed to heal your entire body. For most clients, this is the perfect amount of time on the table and gives me enough time to address most of your concerns.
- Analysis of what your entire body needs
- Focused treatment of primary concerns
- Treatment of secondary causal concerns
- Well-rounded total-body massage therapy
120 minute
A broad therapeutic full-body massage in my office, at a more relaxed pace, designed to heal and rebalance your entire body
- Analysis of what your entire body needs
- Thorough treatment of primary concerns
- Treatment of secondary causal concerns
- Well-rounded total-body massage therapy
- No concerns left unattended.
Other services
Intraoral Massage
Intraoral massage is helpful for those recovering from TMJ, suffering from migraines, or other issues stemming from the mouth and head region. This sort of massage is a medical procedure which involves massage inside and outside the client’s mouth, including the jaw, neck, and shoulders. I offer intraoral massage at a rate of $75 for a 30-minute session, or I can include it as a part of a standard massage session for $15.

Personal Injury Medical Massage
I accept motor vehicle accident cases (those covered by Personal Injury Protection, or PIP) on a case-by-case basis. Medical massage for MVA patients focuses on recovery from common car accident injuries. Vehicle insurance companies generally allow for a series of 60-minute massage therapy sessions.
60-minute medical massage — $170
Event Massage
Would a massage therapist improve your next event? I am available for many events in the Puget Sound area; like parties, festivals, sporting events, weddings, baby showers and more.

Mobile Massage
Do you need me to bring my massage skills to you? I haul my equipment and perform my signature massage therapy services in homes, offices, and hospitals.
Wedding Massage Services
Take your wedding to the next level with a massage package.

For massage therapists who need continuing education hours to maintain their license, I’m hoping to offer classes in my Federal Way location soon. Please, contact me if you’re interested.
A note about medical insurance:
I do not accept or bill medical insurance, however, your insurance company may still cover all or part of your massage therapy. Many insurance companies cover massage therapy by reimbursing customers who send in a reimbursement form. To help you with this, I offer reimbursement forms for you to send to your insurance company.
If you have any questions,
you can use this form: